1. Website APIs
These APIs are used by our service at app.fintorch.ca
Company stats
- Financial ratios and financial statements
- Latest earning call transcript
- Income Statement Quarterly (More detailed data about revenue)
- Balance Sheet
Sales revenue details
- Sales Revenue By Segmentation (Revenue in different businesses over time)
- Sales Revenue By Geographic Segmentation (Revenue in different Geography over time)
- real time stock price (OHLC)
Analysts view on the company
- Price target of the company from analysts (try ask: analyst view on apple)
- Price target of the company by analyst’s company (try ask: how goldman value of Apple)
Extra useful information
- Stock news
- Discounted Cash Flow (DCF, including details in free cash flow calculation)
- Insider Trading (execs in the company trading activities, if they sell more, they might view the stock to drop and vice versa)
- Social Media sentiments (how twitter, stocktwits, reddit etc are saying about the stock)