1. Website APIs

These APIs are used by our service at app.fintorch.ca

Company stats

  1. Financial ratios and financial statements
  2. Latest earning call transcript
  3. Income Statement Quarterly (More detailed data about revenue)
  4. Balance Sheet

Sales revenue details

  1. Sales Revenue By Segmentation (Revenue in different businesses over time)
  2. Sales Revenue By Geographic Segmentation (Revenue in different Geography over time)
  3. real time stock price (OHLC)

Analysts view on the company

  1. Price target of the company from analysts (try ask: analyst view on apple)
  2. Price target of the company by analyst’s company (try ask: how goldman value of Apple)

Extra useful information

  1. Stock news
  2. Discounted Cash Flow (DCF, including details in free cash flow calculation)
  3. Insider Trading (execs in the company trading activities, if they sell more, they might view the stock to drop and vice versa)
  4. Social Media sentiments (how twitter, stocktwits, reddit etc are saying about the stock)